Friday, May 30, 2014

Chapter 2 - Melody's Evil Plan

 Chapter 2:
  As Melody walked down the treacherous hallways, ready to threaten, she noticed Jamie's locker just a crack open.  She smeared her little evil grin on.  Melody waved to her fans as she walked to Jamie's locker, trying not to act suspicious.  She leaned on the locker next to Jamie's, pretending she was just taking a rest.  Then Melody poked her finger in, then her hand, then she opened it all the way.  She grabbed Jamie's phone out of her locker and softly chuckled, trying not to make it obvious that she just hijacked Jamie's locker.
  "Hey, what are you doing in Jamie's locker?  Asked the girl whose locker was right next to Jamie's.
"Why do you care?"  Melody answered as she  turned around away from the locker.  "Because she's my friend."  She stated.  "Well, if your so concerned, I, for your information, am going to retrieve something I had requested to get for her."  Melody answered proudly.  "Yeah sure, but Jamie hates you."  She stated once again.  "I was simply being nice.  I know what I did with the whole milk-on-Jamie's-head thing is so unforgivable, but she gave me a second chance."  Melody lied through her teeth.    "Fine.  I guess I"ll hold off for now, but I am still on to you."  She gave Melody the I'm watching you hand signal, and walked off.
  "YES!!  I finally got her to buzz off!!!  Melody hopped up down with evil happiness.  She rushed down the crowds, of middle schoolers and of into the bathroom.  When Melody was finally into the bathroom safely with a scratch or two, she turned on one of the bathroom sinks.  "When you don't have a phone, then I guess you won't survive  Jamie!!!  MWAHAHAAHAHA!!!  She laughed as loud as a yodeler.  Then she drowned her phone in water from the sink.
  That's when Jamie walked out of a bathroom stall to see what was going on, but for Melody, was gone.  And her phone was RUINED!!!!  "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"  Jamie shrieked.  That's when Jamie got a little furious.  Ok, actually she went completely waco.  "Oh..... I see Melody.  You want to play that game, then we will play, that, game."  Jamie said to herself.  And she stormed out of the bathroom. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Chapter 1 - The Deadly Yellow Bus

              Title: When Melody Came To Town 
                      Chapter 1: The Deadly Yellow Bus
  As soon as Jamie Collins stepped on the big yellow bus she had a bad feeling deep inside her stomach.
  The rows of popular girls and boys on the bus stared at her as she slowly walked by.  Then, she stopped to see the new girl who had tortured her all first period.  "Melody."  She thought to herself with anger.  "What? Said Melody pestered.  Well if your just going to stand and stare than I guess I should make use of you."  She pulled out pulled out a bottle of chocolate milk from her backpack. Half was still left.  Melody unscrewed the cap and dumped the rest of the bottle on Jamie with an evil grin.  "There.  All gone.  I didn't need it anyway. It was rotten."  Melody pulled out that evil grin of hers once more, and then a loud chuckle.  Her friends and everyone else laughed along.
  Jamie's cheeks soon turned as red as a rose, and she disappeared into an empty seat.  A tear slipped from her eye as she curled up into a tiny ball of embarrassment.
  When it came to her stop she rushed down the rows of kids still laughing it up, and out the door of the bus she went.  She ran down her street and up the concrete steps to her house.  She sat down on the step before the door, panting.  Just then her mom opened the door with surprise.  "Sweetie, what happened to you?"  Her mom asked.  "Don't want to talk about it."  Jamie answered as she slumped inside and settled her backpack on the kitchen table.  When Jamie's backpack was standing upright on the table, she walked towards the bathroom.  Just as soon as Jamie was about to turn the knob to the bathroom door, her mom called,  "Well if you need to talk about it later, then thats okay hon."  Then her mom walked upstairs to her office.  Jamie then turned the knob to the door of the bathroom and took a shower.
  When she was done with her shower and had no chocolate milk in her hair anymore, she pulled out her endless sheets of homework, a pencil, and a pack of gum.  She picked a piece of gum and popped it into her mouth and started chewing. She picked up her pencil and started on her sheets of homework.  She finished about an hour later and called,  "Mom.....  I took a shower and I'm done with my homework..."  Her mom walked downstairs.  "Okay honey, well your father should be home any minute from work with a pizza for dinner."  Jamie's mom walked towards the front door and  "DING! DONG!"  Rang the doorbell.  The door opened and the smell of warm pizza filled the house.  Jamie's dad sashayed into the house and set the warm pizza box on the kitchen counter.
  Everyone gathered around the kitchen counter and Jamie's dad popped open the pizza box.  Everybody grabbed a piece and shoved it down their throats.  Jamie was especially hungry because she hadn't had a filling lunch at school.  When she was done with her dinner, she went into her room and snuggled up into the covers on her bed and went to sleep.

About Me

Hi my name is Lily.  I’m nine years old.  My dad set up this blog site for me because I wanted to get my writing out there, but this way is just safer.  So if you like fictional/fantasized/realistic fiction books, then check out my blog.